Thursday, February 5, 2009

Life is Hard.

Wow. Life is hard with an unhappy baby. Thank heavens for my Brylie girl who is constant sunshine to me. She is so happy and pleasant and fun to be with. Madison is such a big helper with the baby. She'll bounce her in the bouncer while i get things done (dinner, laundry, a shower). I'm getting nervous to go to work and leave the baby with Nate. She cries ALL.THE.TIME. He thinks he's above it all, and I know he isn't. I just keep trying to tell him that it's OK to put her in her crib and let her cry if he gets too upset. I hope he doesn't break stuff and yell. UGH I'm going to need some Xanax or something. Sometimes I go to the store and walk the aisles even if I don't need anything on that aisle just so i don't have to come home. Poor baby. I wish I could make her happy.


Jenn said...

Im so sorry! If I can ever help with anything please let me know!! It is so hard when they are so little and can't tell you what is wrong!

Elisa said...

I'm sorry that she is so sad all of the time. I hated when Calli would have her moments. We used a palates ball and would just bounce her until our legs ached. The up side was I got some strong legs out of it.

AdriAnne said...

YOu know how much I love you and would run up there in a sec if you need me so please call. I am only working 3 days a week for 3 hours a day so I am still available most of the time. I am so serious! Call me lets get together before you go back to work.

~Silly me said...

Does she have colic? My sisters baby screamed for like the first 3-4 months of her life, and she did find some stuff that worked. Want me to find out for you?

KT said...

I've always done that when I go to the store! It's not normal?
Dang, our 3rd baby was so easy. London really is still perfect, it's weird. I thought it was a 3rd child thing to give you a break and make you want more. Sorry she's fussy! Does she spit up a lot? Ranatidine helps Belle w/that.

Anonymous said...

Brooke, my 3rd was so hard too. It will get better.