Saturday, October 23, 2010

Home Made Laundy Detergent.

I decided, after reading a few blogs of others, to make my own laundry detergent to try to save a few bucks. I also decided to document my laundry detergent making in case any of my friends wanted to also. so here you go. please read my conclusion after the pics.

So I got all my ingredients, 1 cup washing soda, 1 cup borax and a fels naptha soap bar.

I grated the fels naptha soap bar

all grated.

I boiled the grated soap in 4 cups water until dissolved.

I poured it all together and added more water, and had Brylie stir and stir and stir.
That's as far as the pictures got taken, but we let it sit over night and it gelled, and looked like egg drop soup. All was a success. HOWEVER! I do not care for it, it doesn't clean as well as Tide, and I am pretty much a laundry diva. I will stick to tide, this concoction didn't get my girls clothes clean, and one shirt ( I should have taken a pic) I washed with this stuff 3 times and the stains werent even lighter, and then used one load of tide and the stains were GONE. So, if you like to take care of your family's clothes, to keep them looking nice and stain free, I do not recommend this detergent. If you don't really care, and are cheap, then I'd recommend it.


KT said...

I'm cheap, but I love laundry soap. I use Kirkland brand if you have a costco card, and love it just as much as Tide. It's $11 for a huge container, Tide is $19 at costco for the same amount, so that's how I save $$..
It really cleans well and smells good.

Elisa said...

That sounds like a lot of work for it not working good at all. I'm sorry I hate it when I think something is going to turn out to save money and just ends up making me like the original so much better.

Selina said...

I love that you tried this! I am a big believer in Tide myself! We just bought some Gain cause it's ten dollars cheaper, I'll let you know if it sucks or not.