Saturday, November 8, 2008

Going Private?

NOT ME! I guess all the people I blogstalk are on to me, since they're all making thier blogs private. BOO. Anyway, I'll be keeping mine public since I like to do the opposite of what everyone else is doing, that and I think lame ass KSL articles make the mormons scurry, and I refuse the sky is falling mentality. Happy reading!


Reba said...

Amen sister! I'm not freaked out enough yet.

Tara said...

I couldn't agree more! I just started a blog yesterday but I've been blog stalking all my friends for weeks! And I've enjoyed it so much I want others to be able to do the same to me I guess!

Nicole said...

Freakin Freaks can freak out all they want. I will continue to blog about weird stuff and my not so normal life so they can gasp all they want! lol I decided being yourself is just as good as faking it and to lay it all out there. Sorry that my life didn't end up perfect like most of the blogs i read. I'm proud of you for staying public, besides I'm glad that your proud of your amazing family and gorgeous daughters, I would want to publicize them TOO! :)

Ashley said...

Good for you. I won't go private either. What's the point of having a blog if people can't read it?

A said...

I blogstalk you - please don't go private! ;)