Monday, November 17, 2008

not a whole lot.

I don't really have anything to blog about, so this is a catch up post. Madison is doing well in 1st grade, loving everything about it. Brylie is...well... Brylie. Dropped out of preschool after 2 days and just likes to spend time at home with her momma and daddy. She cracks me up! Tonight I was laying with her in her bed, and all of a sudden it stunk (not me) and she said "I smell something" and I said " oh man me too!" and she looked at me and said " I think it was you.". I laughed and laughed. I'm still laughing. Nate's doing fine, was back in the ER on the 15th to have his heart shocked again. He's just fine now. He'll probably have surgery sooner than later. And that brings me to myself. I'm doing fine, getting large, tired, fat and ugly. YAY. I'm noticing little every day tasks are getting harder and harder to accomplish. Like washing my feet, or putting on socks, or even pulling up my pants! Rolling over in bed is a major task...with a lot of grunting and moaning. LOL. I am looking forward to Thanksgiving, my sister and her family will be here from Portland, and I just love it when me and my sisters are together. I'm also looking forward to the food aspect, cause I'm hungry. That's pretty much it for now. Still haven't found me a new vehicle, but when I do, I'll be sure to post.


Nicole said...

aww I love you super woman! Thank you for being real and amazing. You are my hero and I love you for being so good to me :)

Betsey said...

You ARE amazing Brooke! I love your real and detailed posts...I can totally relate to all your pregnancy feelings. Rolling over IS a major task! :)