Thursday, September 4, 2008

Heart Problems

This morning as I woke up, I noticed Nate wasn't in the bed. I went out to the living room and asked him what was wrong. He said he didn't feel well. I said I was sorry and asked if he needed anything. He then told me about the "fluttering" he was feeling in his chest. That alarmed me a little bit, because of his previous heart problems( aortic valve replacement August of 2003). I said I was getting in the shower and I'd talk to him when I got out. I got in and started thinking about all the things it could be. I got back out and went to find him, and asked him a few questions, and noticed he was in pretty bad shape. I put my fingers on his neck to feel for his pulse, and it was just everywhere. slow fast fast fast slow nothing slow fast etc. I told him to go get in the shower because we were taking him in to the ER. I got the girls up and fed and ready, and myself ready, called my wonderful sister Trisha, and we dropped Madison at school and Brylie at Trisha's. We went to Mckay Dee and they hooked him up immediately and saw that his heart was racing all over the place. His heart rate was between 110-190 which it should be between 60-80. The called his cardiologist down and he went over some things with Nathan. One of the potential risks he was running, was a blood clot that could cause a stroke. They gave him some meds through IV to see if it would slow down, which worked initially but only for a little while. The next option, was to sedate him and shock his heart, to try to "reboot" or "reset" it. It sounds pretty bad but it really wasn't bad and worked! They came in to prep him, sent me to the waiting area and it only took about 10 minutes and he was back to normal. I am so glad too because I always secretly worry he will leave me all alone in this life with 2 ( soon to be 3) wild daughters and no one else will want me. We have these weird things that pop up every few years, I guess to remind us how fragile our lives really are, and so that we don't get too comfortable. Anyway, for those that care he is doing well and has a prescription that he takes now and has a echo cardiogram next wed and a follow up appointment on the 18Th, where he will meet with his (awesome) cardiologist and see whether or not his valve is holding up and if his mitral valve ( damaged by previous problems) will need to be replaced sooner rather than later. It's a scary thing, these dang heart problems. Please keep my Nathan in your "prayers" that he will be well and healthy and with me for a long time!


Anonymous said...

goodness, that is not good. I remember his heart surgery and forgot all about it. I will think about you guys. I am glad all is well. Tell Nate hi by the way.

Jenny said...

I am glad he is doing better. Just call me if you need someone to watch bry I am by MacKaydee call when ever. Take care and will be think about you guys.

Ashley said...

Yikes! I am glad he is okay. I see enough heart problems and don't want my friends having them too. Let me know if there is anything I can do.