Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Primary Activity

OK. I took a step out of my comfort zone and took my kids to a primary activity. I don't know why but I just do not feel comfortable at church activities/church in general. It's always been hard for me but I used to just do it cause that's what you're supposed to do, right? Well then I just stopped going. What a relief. I just feel so inadequate with all those lily white perfect acting beautiful women who sew and quilt and scrapbook and can and bake and cook and garden and run 26 miles a day, look awesome in thier bermuda shorts and still have a clean house, beautiful yard and well behaved children. It's not for me. I like to sleep in and get fast food and read blogs and shop online. I did it for the kids. They had fun so I guess that's what counts. No pics because I was self-conscious enough just being there, let alone running around taking pics.


Life with the Lukes! said...

I am proud of you!! Rember, memories for the girls. The moms here are not like that, you should just be the fun mom who doesn't care! you should tease the moms by talking about the ciggerettes you give your kids after putting them in their 2 pieces!

Brooke said...

oh hush you with your skinny legs perfect children, sewing skills and PTA volunteer.